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Merdeka Clearance Offer - Natural Toner 100ml (Buy 2 @RM300)

RM 300.00
Merdeka Clearance Offer - Natural Toner 100ml (Buy 2 @RM300) Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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2 Natural Toner 100ml @ RM300

A facial treatment lotion infused with botanical extracts for acne-prone skin. This ultra-light toner helps to eliminate pore-clogging impurities, regulate oil secretion, fight existing acne breakouts, inhibit bacterial growth and prevent future breakouts. With antioxidants, it accelerates the skin’s healing process and fades the appearance of post-blemish marks, revealing clear and smooth-looking skin. 

质地清爽、不粘腻且易于吸收的痘痘修复精华液,蕴含植物萃取,有助于清除阻塞毛孔的杂质、调节油脂分泌、减少痘痘、抑制细菌滋生与避免痘痘的形成。 它含有抗氧化物,能促进肌肤的修复过程与淡化痘痘疤印,令肌肤柔滑亮丽。

Application: After cleansing, apply three times a day to affected areas. Avoid contact with eyes. 

用法: 洁面后,涂抹于患处。一天可涂3次。避免接触眼睛。

Main Ingredients 活性成分:

Ginseng Extract人参萃取toner.jpg

  • Has antimicrobial activity against acne-causing bacteria
  • 具有抗菌特性,可对抗引起痘痘的细菌
  • Balances oil production within the skin and reduces acne breakouts
  • 维持油脂的平衡,从而减少痘痘问题

Angelica Archangelica Root Extract 当归萃取toner2.jpg

  • Stimulates epidermal cellular renewal and strengthens the dermal extracellular matrix
  • 促进表皮细胞更新,并增强真皮细胞外基质结构
  • Regulates sebum secretion 
  • 调节油脂分泌
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